Moving to Sweden?

Whether you are coming to Sweden permanently or temporarily, use Freja to open the door.

Swedish Migration Agency

You may apply for your Swedish visa via Freja rather than going to the embassy in-person. You may also add your child’s passport(s) so that you complete the process together.

Swedish Tax Agency

Apply for a coordination no. (samordningsnummer) at the Swedish Tax Agency and many other e-services.

Living in Sweden

For most e-services, especially state ones, you will need Freja+ to access them. If you are not a Swedish citizen, you can still get Freja+. For more details, see below.

Do you have a coordination no. (samordningsnummer)?

If you are living in Sweden and have a verified (styrkt) coordination no. you can get Freja+. These are issued by the Swedish Tax Authority, for all issues you need to get in touch with them.

Currently, only EU/EEA citizens may get Freja with a coordination no.

After adding your passport to Freja, you will find the option to get Freja+ in this way in Settings.

Do you have a Swedish personal identity no. (personnummer)?

In this case, you may register like a regular Swedish citizen. You may use your Swedish driving licence, or the Swedish Tax Agency ID card (check their website for more information on how to obtain one).

If you registered an account with another ID document e.g. your passport, then you will need to delete your account and register again.