Shared Control
Shared control is a function where you as a user voluntarily agree with a helper or assistant to help you with the management of your e-ID. Every time you log in or make an electronic signature, the assistant receives a notification in their Freja app and must approve the transaction with you in order for it to go through.
This way you avoid mistakes and eliminate uncertainty. If the assistant suspects that something is wrong, they can decline the transaction and nothing happens.
If you would like to assist someone, you can initiate Shared Control by going to Settings in the menu in the Freja app. Tap on ‘Shared control’ and follow the instructions. The user will scan a QR code on the helper’s phone to activate the function.
You have two minutes to approve or decline the action for the person you are helping. If you do not act in time, the action will be cancelled automatically. It might be a good idea for the user to alert their helper that they are about to do something with Freja, so that the helper is aware and has time to act.
Shared control is an agreement between the user and the helper – not an agreement between the helper and the e-service. This means that the assistant is not legally responsible in any sense for the transactions they help to carry out.