Living in Sweden
For living in Sweden and using Freja in Sweden for Swedish e-services find more information here.
According to Swedish law, you need to have Freja+ to access Swedish state e-services.
Check below to see if you are eligible to have Freja+.

The Following People May Get Freja+
Swedish Citizens Living in Sweden
All Swedish citizens living in Sweden above the age of 5 can have Freja+. All you need is a valid ID document issued in Sweden: passport, national ID card, driving licence or Skatteverket ID card.
We recommend that you use your Swedish passport or national ID card to get Freja+ immediately. If you use another ID, your driving licence for example, to get Freja+ you will need to visit one of our agents in Sweden for a final security check.

Swedish citizens living abroad
Swedish citizens with a protected identity
You must use your Swedish passport to register. Additionally, we cannot grant you Freja+ immediately, you will need to visit one of our agents for a quick security check.
Important safety note – the agent is only verifying your identity in-person, no data is being collected nor are any lookups being performed.
When using Freja we will not share protected information such as your address. All other data that is shared requires your explicit consent in the app each time you do a transaction.

Internationals living in Sweden
For more information about getting Freja+ as an international living in Sweden, please check this page.