We’re proud to announce that you can access Billo – your new digital mailbox with Freja. Billo is a state-approved digital mailbox that prioritises inclusion and sustainability.

Receiving mail from companies and authorities in digital form has become the norm in Sweden. Unfortunately, many Swedes find themselves excluded from this innovation, left at the mercy of tech monopolies.

Billo offers Freja as a login option so that more people can get their mail digitally.

Why Choose Billo?

The reasons are many.

  • Billo offers more than 1 login option, making it much more inclusive than the alternatives
  • A greater freedom of choice e.g. you can choose only post from authorities
  • Receive your physical post through Billo
  • Customise your own categories
  • An excellent user experience

And the best thing? It’s all completely free.

We sincerely recommend you check Billo out for yourself and give it a try.

Get Billo