We’re excited to announce that NyckelOnline is coming into the fold! Freja’s digital signing feature will play a key role in making digital key contract more secure.

Briefly about Nyckelonline

Nyckelonline makes key/tag administration easy and secure.

They have a cloud-based solution that allows administrators to keep track of all issued keys and tags used for entering premises, rights can be revoked, and everything is managed digitally. This mainly contributes to less administration, higher security, and lower costs.

NyckelOnline already has partners in multiple industries such as Nöjesfältet Liseberg AB, Stålindustrin SSAB and various residences, retail chains, schools, municipalities and all kinds of small businesses.

Where does Freja come in?

When the employee, tenant etc. get their key or tag, they need to sign digitally with Freja to seal the contract. In this way, each key holder’s identity is verified securely.

Quick Info

Read more about the advantages of NyckelOnline.

If you would like to create a digital key contract, go here.