The Restore option is used in cases when you have lost access to your Freja eID account. You could’ve lost your device or got it stolen, and now you want to recover your Freja eID account on a new device. The second option is that you registered before but then deleted the app from the device, and now you wish to activate it again.
However, you need to be aware that some data will not be recovered during this process for security reasons. If you have previously added an ID document or have Freja eID Plus, you will have to add the document again and redo the physical ID check at the ATG store. Also, all other connected devices will be disconnected, and you will have to add them again. Other data, such as other added usernames (email addresses and phone numbers), the history of all actions, as well as your avatar photo, will be recovered.
When you launch the newly installed Freja eID app, you first need to choose country and then tap on “Already a User” button to see your options. You can choose whether you want to restore your account or add Freja eID to multiple devices or replace a device. The app gives you all the information and guidance you need.