Studies show that gender diversity can be profitable to businesses. A survey, carried out on 22,000 firms globally resulted that firms with 30% females in key positions were associated with a 6% net profit margin. The reasons for the increased profitability were diversity in skills and less gender discrimination.

In firms such as this, their hiring policies were less likely to discriminate against women. So, the hiring process focused more on skills rather than gender bringing in more talented workers into the fold.

Women make up almost half the workforce and tech is among the fastest-growing industries in the world. Female exclusion can deprive this industry of crucial human resources and slow its growth.

Therefore, we are proud to say that our company Freja has an equal number of men and women in one of its most important departments – IT development.

Having more women in tech also results in the growth of tech products catering to women, since men in tech are less likely to design products not associated with them. Women in tech play a crucial role in making products more balanced and accessible to all.

Our app Freja is proof of it: all genders like using it and find it very useful! So, happy Women’s Day, and here’s to having more women in tech!