Three great reasons to add your ID document to Freja eID
If you are considering adding a document to Freja eID, or you have added it [...]
Aleksandar Laban2021-11-04T14:46:08+01:002020-06-02|Blog|
If you are considering adding a document to Freja eID, or you have added it [...]
Aleksandar Laban2020-06-02T11:54:09+02:002020-06-02|Blog|
Let's clear up the terminology first. Liveness is a security measure that helps prevent fraudsters from [...]
Aleksandar Laban2020-06-02T11:50:14+02:002020-06-02|Blog|
QR codes are nothing new, we've seen them around since 1994. Initially created for use in [...]
Aleksandar Laban2020-06-02T11:43:17+02:002020-06-02|Blog|
Imagine that you unexpectedly receive payment claims of hundreds of thousands of kronor from a bank [...]