Get a Digital Mailbox by 5 March
It’s almost time to declare taxes again, and as always, the easiest and fastest way [...]
Aleksandar Laban2023-03-07T16:03:14+01:002023-03-01|Blog|
It’s almost time to declare taxes again, and as always, the easiest and fastest way [...]
Aleksandar Laban2023-03-21T13:57:37+01:002023-03-01|Blog|
From 6 March your digital ID card in Freja will be getting a new look. This [...]
Aleksandar Laban2023-03-15T14:39:05+01:002023-03-01|Blog|
As you’ve no doubt heard, Sweden is currently experiencing the highest rate of inflation in [...]
Aleksandar Laban2023-03-07T15:54:50+01:002023-02-23|Blog|
A new home remodelling service? A new dating website? No, ‘Rusta och matcha’ is a service [...]
Aleksandar Laban2023-02-23T14:22:58+01:002023-02-14|Blog|
Valentine’s Day is a day meant to celebrate love, something that’s especially important in these gloomy [...]
Aleksandar Laban2023-02-23T14:23:04+01:002023-02-14|Blog|
Would you like to pay via facial recognition? Listen to this webinar and learn more about [...]
Aleksandar Laban2023-02-23T14:23:07+01:002023-02-14|Blog|
Back in December, Freja announced a competition where the person who became user number 800,000 would [...]
Aleksandar Laban2023-03-01T16:55:48+01:002023-02-08|Blog|
The date to declare your taxes is approaching, and more and more people are choosing to [...]
Aleksandar Laban2023-02-14T15:36:22+01:002023-02-01|Blog|
Did you know that you have to register your cat with Jordbruksverket? This new law [...]
Aleksandar Laban2023-03-01T16:55:52+01:002023-02-01|Blog|
Yes, now it is that time of year again when you get your annual notice from [...]