To use Freja+ to access services within EU and eIDAS you need no make a physical ID-check.

How to resolve this:

If you have registrered Freja+ with a Swedish passport or national ID-card you normally do not have to make a physical ID-check. However, to access EU services within eIDAS you need to do this.

Follow these steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Because your registration is fully completed with a passport/national ID card, you need to get in touch with our support so we can downgrade your account.
  2. Once we downgrade you, you will have to visit one of our agents for a quick, in-person security check. Make sure to bring your phone and the ID document you used for registration with you to the agent.
  3. You will then get Freja+ again and be able to log in to services covered by eIDAS.

For more details regarding this step (the in-person check), please consult our full registration guide.