Almost all major pharmacies in Sweden accept Freja as a valid ID document for the purpose of picking up prescription medicine and identification in general.

Kronans Apotek, Apotek Hjärtat and Apoteksgruppen all accept Freja as a physical ID.

The next time you forget your wallet, don’t worry! Freja has got you covered.

How do I get Freja to be my ID?

We use the data from your ID document and photo to generate a digital ID card in Freja.

This is what you show instead of your physical ID to prove your identity.

The digital ID card also contains a QR code with your personnummer that can be scanned by any regular scanner, thus making it easy to share your identity digitally.

Where else can I use Freja?

When it comes to physical identification, Freja is accepted at more than 7000 locations across Sweden, for buying age-restricted products, picking up packages and more!

You can also use Freja to log in to a range of public and private e-services, with 300+ on offer.

If you would like to know more, take a look at our frequently asked questions and our website!